2022 SHOT Show Attendance Down for Media, Buyers and Exhibitors

Hallway at 2022 SHOT Show. It would normally be full of people.

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)-–As someone who has attended most of the shot shows in the last decade, the most obvious difference in 2022 is the ability to move through the halls and aisles at the show without the crowed press of people seen at previous shows. Attendance is down by a significant amount. The exhibitors who are present seem to be attracting good interest, such as with this Aimpoint exhibit:

Aimpoint at SHOT Show 2022

Some major players have a limited presence at the 2022 SHOT Show. This Colt location would normally be covered in exhibits and people instead of considerable empty space, as pictured.

Colt did not have the large number of displays it usually has.

Some deals are being done at the table behind the sign. In many previous shows, the aisles were elbow to elbow.

Many people were wearing masks, as required by the decree of the Democrat Governor of Nevada, Steve Sisolak.

A mask was required to enter the Venetian Towers’ accommodations. A mask was required to enter the dining facilities at one of the major restaurants in the Pallazo-Venetian Casino complex.

Adherence to the mask mandate was mixed, at best. Masks were worn in slipshod fashion, limiting their usefulness to declarations of obedience to the mandate. Many people wore masks below the nose, or at times, hanging from one ear.

Reports of many flights reduced attendance significantly. Once a potential participant understood they would not make the first day of the show, many decided not to come. Others could not come because of illness.

One participant of many previous shows informed this correspondent the mask mandate was a contributing factor in their decision not to attend.

The Press Room had, on estimate, about half as many participants as usual. There were familiar names there, just fewer of them.

In a strange way, this is an excellent show to attend, because it is easy to see the exhibitors. It is easy to get around. For the attendee who wants to see the exhibits and make contacts, this is a very good show.

While some major players in the industry have a minimal presence, there are many top players as such as Glock and Smith & Wesson who have their usual large displays and footprints. There are many attending at slightly below the top level. They are easy to find and work with. Taurus, Kel-Tec, Remington, Winchester, Rock Island, those are familiar signs this correspondent noticed on a very quick and incomplete look in one of the main venues.

The ammunition manufacturers and accessory manufacturers are here in force.

Attendance is down, but this is a significant show worth attending. In spite of the problems there are many international exhibits. Talking with a Swiss representative, they found the restrictions on silencer sales in the United States incomprehensible and irrational.

While moving through the show is much easier than in previous years, there is far too much to see to gain more than a fraction of the information available. Participants, as usual, are polite and easy to interact with.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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You can also blame the Democrats and their Chi comm allies for using the Wuflu as a weapon against the American people

Wild Bill

The State of the Union
In this Year, 2022, both the Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day.
This is an ironic juxtaposition of events. 
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication . .
 The other involves a groundhog.


I would believe Punxy Phil far more than Brandon !

Wild Bill

Humor the best medicine!

Arizona Don

The fact that masks are absolutely useless is finally coming out. Covid is going to be with us forever so we may as well adjust. The most recent variant is just about as dangerous as the seasonal flue. However, that has not hit the media, except for a few, yet.  The socialist marxist so called democrats used the Wuhan covid virus successfully to fraudulently put a complete idiot into the executive branch of our government. We know it but cannot prove it as of yet. However, time will certainly tell if that is right or wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arizona Don
Wild Bill

Yes, and that is not all that the marxist, so called democrats, used!


masks work on trapping outgoing droplets but not so much on filtering virus particles with incoming. know the difference.


Having attended the SHOT in the past the numbers do look down,


I have started to look for some other ways to earn money to be able to maintain my family and also parents who lost their jobs, unfortunately. So, I have started to gamble as I had some experience in it, but I have read a lot about it as online gambling is much harder than the real one. I have been fooled a couple of times, I couldn’t withdraw my winnings, but after reading this website I have understood that it was my fault too.

Last edited 2 years ago by kathy

Might have to do with cash flow right now too… The high priced wares, like most of what Colt manufactures will be passed over by those who don’t have money falling out of their butts.


this aint no gun show, SHOT is for FFLs and those in the industry, the general public is not allowed.


The World, in order to gain dominance in power and wealth.