Connected Insiders Signal Contempt and Lethal Intent for ‘Traditional Americans’

Retired General Michael Hayden
Consummate government insider Michael Hayden has big plans for you. The only thing standing in his way is an armed citizenry.

U.S.A. – -( “I’ve covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world over my career,” English journalist and the Financial Times chief US commentator Edward Luce tweeted. “Have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today’s Republicans. Nothing close.”

It’s typical of a snotty attitude by “progressive” Brits, simultaneously enjoying while subverting the freedoms this country still (partially) recognizes. And they can always count on Americans of all political stripes to sacrifice themselves to foreign entanglements if the UK succeeds in poking the Russian bear overmuch or finding too late the “refugees” it took in have their own ways of doing things. That his father is a titled insider who “served” as Lord Chamberlain to the Queen recalls both Thomas Paine’s observation on hereditary qualifications and one of the more popularly resonating Monty Python skits.

Aside from being a “subject of the Queen,” the guy’s a connected insider, through and through. And his sentiment is gaining traction through national media venues, with, case in point, CNN columnist and MSN guest Dean Obeidallah declaring:

“At this point I LITERALLY view people who still support Donald Trump no different than the despicable, vile people who supported Bin Laden after 9/11 … Today’s GOP is no longer a political party, it’s a white nationalist, FASCIST movement that seeks to impose their EXTREME religious beliefs as the law of our land. It must be utterly defeated in order to save our Republic.”

This isn’t about them though. It’s about another guy who’s also a connected insider through and through and who has been for a long time. He’s ostensibly an American of much more importance in higher circles than mere media commentators, and he signaled to the world that he embraces Luce’s characterization of Republicans.

“I agree,” retired Gen. Michael Hayden tweeted. “And I was the CIA Director.”

A general and a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency? Not to mention former National Security Agency director? With four stars, he was the “highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the armed forces.”

Appointed to head the CIA by George Bush, Hayden’s 2006 confirmation was opposed by then-Senators Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, but “thanks to the Republican “leadership,” including Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, John Cornyn, and others, his nomination passed 78-15.

At least Joe Biden voted “Yea.” And Hayden paid him back by voting for him in 2020. We can see how he’s paid the Republicans back.

Talk about an inside player with connections to the major players in both parties. He has basically had access to everything. And in his “professional” opinion, Republicans are more dangerous, more violent, more extreme, and more contemptible than, ISIS or Al Qaeda. That’s to say more terroristic, and if that’s to be believed, more deserving of coordinated black ops search and destroy targeting and drone strikes, and more incarceration under Patriot Act “rules.”

That’s not hyperbole. I’ll show you in a minute.

What must that make those of us who view Republicans as more-often-than-not squishes and sellouts and who hold our noses for the ones mostly voted for because they’re perceived (correctly or not) as the “lesser of two evils”?

Let’s look at what Hayden has indicated he’d like to see done with such countrymen.

“Retired Air Force general and former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden endorsed sending ‘MAGA wearing unvaxxed to Afghanistan on board empty cargo planes,” PJ Media chronicled a year ago.

“Good idea,” Hayden tweeted in reply, reminiscent of syndicated columnist Ted Rall declaring, “These town hall terrorists could be declared enemy combatants and bundled off to Bagram with the stroke of a pen. If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it.”

Except what Hayden signaled agreement with would be worse than sending Americans to a torture camp without due process. It would be a literal death sentence. And with the numbers involved, it would amount to, without exaggeration, genocide.

“Whether Hayden genuinely agrees with the idea of sending otherwise empty cargo jets back to Afghanistan chock-full of Trump supporters, or if he just doesn’t have sense enough to understand that a man in his position really shouldn’t joke about that kind of thing… well, who knows?” PJ Media continued.

Yeah, no kidding. And it sure doesn’t sound like he’s joking when he agrees with Luce about Republicans being contemptible and dangerous. With the connections he has and the power he has wielded, his endorsements are not only grossly inappropriate, creepy, and chilling beyond words, they are literally maniacal and unspeakably evil. Remember, we’re also talking about a guy who in 2014 admitted:

“We kill people based on metadata.”

Terrorists, though, right? Like what he’s painting anyone who supports “Make America Great Again” values to be? It’s not like the government would ever abuse that, right?

Seeing as how there are tens of millions of Americans with hundreds of millions of guns, it would be instructive if Hayden fleshed out what his diseased fantasy for actually dealing with these “terrorists” is. Because some, perhaps Three Percent of the citizenry, will not go gentle into that good night.

No worries. He’s got a plan for that, too.

“Former NSA Director Michael Hayden says that changes to the 2nd Amendment may be more effective from a counterterrorism standpoint, than more intrusive surveillance,” The Wall Street Journal reported in an interview video taken at a 2016 Future of Cybersecurity breakfast.

Identify ‘em through metadata, disarm ‘em through infringements, and then do what you want with ‘em. Talk about every tyrannical psychopath’s dream!

Hey, I’m just quoting him.

And to help make that totalitarian delusion come true, Hayden has joined a larger group of self-interested military insiders to urge lawmakers to enact infringements on behalf of Giffords’ “Veterans Coalition.”

“[W]e believe that there is much Congress can do to reduce gun violence without violating the Second Amendment — which we explicitly support,” the career standing army beneficiaries lied through their collective teeth, all the while urging a complete evisceration of that for which the Founders’ unequivocal mandate was “shall not be infringed.”

Anyone who undermines what they know to be “necessary to the security of a free State” is giving aid and comfort to “enemies, foreign and domestic,” a phrase included in the military oath of enlistment. Is there a better term for such deliberate and coordinated oath-breaking than “seditious conspiracy”? Isn’t it revealing that the ones “the establishment” portrays guilty of that are the ones whose whole reason for being was to remind servicemembers and law enforcement careerists to keep their oaths?

Doesn’t it tell us all we need to know about “commonsense gun safety laws” that Giffords, and indeed, all the citizen disarmament groups and the politicians they endorse, align themselves with someone who publicly advocates for the military, by force, to rid the Republic of their ideological opponents, but needs their guns first to do it?

About David Codrea:David Codrea
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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Th8s creep needs to be standing on a trapdoor, ready meet his maker!


The “Patriot Act” has been a major source of of government overreach since its inception. I was against it when it was first debated after 9/11. There was no doubt that the ‘unintended’ consequences would be far reaching and severe.

Deplorable Bill

Those who call evil good and good as evil do so intentionally, knowing they are not just wrong but evil. Right and wrong, good and evil are defined by SCRIPTURE and the constitution is the law of the land. Some of these people took their oath of office to defend the people, nation and constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. It’s obvious that they themselves are, in fact, treasonous and tyrannical both of which offences rightfully, legally and morally deserve the death penalty. Since most things have a money issue to them, I wonder who is adding to their… Read more »


sounds like he needs a dose of radium


The founders told us what to do with these people in the Declaration.


Aren’t you tired of writing the enemy’s point of view, It is overwhelming the shear audacity of the left and the democrats. CNN MSNBC they are the clowns in the media circus nothing they report supports the truth. The fact the left fears armed law abiding citizen and the democrats can’t sleep at night thinking that one day all there lies will be confronted by armed citizens protecting our rights and the constitution. Evil only ever has temporary hold on good the democrats should take notice their days are quickly coming to a end. In the midterms if that election… Read more »

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