The NRA is so desperate for relevance that it chose to wing this effort without talking to knowledgeable people in Montana…
Dear National Rifle Association, You Are So Dumb! ~ Signed Montana

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The NRA is so desperate for relevance that it chose to wing this effort without talking to knowledgeable people in Montana…
So living in New Jersey, we have a ten-round magazine capacity. I would love to see legislation that says you cannot restrict …magazine capacity. ~ Philip Rizzo for Congress
18 states have a reasonable facsimile of Constitutional Carry. Three could easily restore Constitutional Carry in 2021. Where do the 18 states stand on the reciprocity of carry permits?
Virginia will honor the permits from all other states. In turn we should get recognition from three new states: New Hampshire, Georgia, and Colorado.
The 2016 Virginia Legislative Session has come to a close and included the passage of historic firearm legislation.
The reciprocity changes for Minnesota is a good improvement over Minnesota’s previous reciprocity statute – with several new states being recognized…
Heads up to individuals who use a UTAH permit to carry concealed in MN. Your Utah permit is NO LONGER RECOGNIZED by the State of Minnesota…
In Nevada, a general gun law reform bill passed the Senate 14 to 5 with 2 excused. The bill changes the reciprocity law in Nevada in a significant way.
An Ohio gun law reform bill with a number of common sense reforms is headed to Governor Kasich’s Desk.
It is unknown why Nevada will no longer honor Louisiana’s standard five-year permit, as holders had previously been granted reciprocity…
Last week, the state of Nevada announced that they had dropped their reciprocal concealed handgun license agreement with West Virginia…
The Charleston suit continues to crawl along, with the City employing, quite frankly, some bizarre procedural tactics…
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) announced that Nebraska will now recognize and provide reciprocity with West Virginia’s Concealed Handgun License…
The PA Attorney General has taken it upon herself to ignore the statutory limits on her power and modify – and even cancel – longstanding concealed carry reciprocity agreements with other states…
Earlier this week, rumors began circulating that anti-gun Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane had invalidated the Keystone State’s concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Utah. ..
West Virginia Attorney General has added six states — Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa and New Hampshire — to the list of states with which it has full reciprocity or mutual recognition agreements…
I understand YOU believe you may be the first retired USAF Security Policeman to be issued credentials to carry concealed under the revised LEOSA law…BUT…I would not recommend…
To be perfectly clear, AzCDL has no intention of supporting any legislation that returns Arizona to the bad old days of restricted rights and limited CCW permit accessibility…
West Virginia residents with a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) may now carry a concealed handgun for self-defense in both states…
On August 2nd 2013, the Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced that Wyoming will recognize a Kansas concealed carry license…
On July 1, Idaho’s Office of the Attorney General sent a letter to all states requesting them to consider and establish recognition of Idaho’s license to carry a concealed weapon…
For the past several years we at the Idaho Sport Shooters Alliance have been working to get more reciprocity for Idaho concealed weapons licenses…
The ongoing effort to fully vindicate the fundamental, individual right to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense took a major step forward with the passage of H.R. 822.
House Bill 695 is a universal recognition bill that will not only allow concealed weapons permit holders from other states to carry in Mississippi but will also expand reciprocity.
State Representative Terry Johnson (HD-89) introduced House Bill 495 which would address several problems with current Ohio gun laws.
Texas will now recognize valid Concealed Pistol Licenses from West Virginia, and in turn, West Virginia will recognize valid Concealed Handgun Licenses from Texas.
Representative Terry Johnson (R-McDermott) has introduced HB495, a bill designed to reform Ohio concealed carry law to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
None of these bills would affect existing state laws. State laws governing where concealed firearms may be carried would apply within each state’s borders.
The Thune-Vitter bill, S. 2213, is important because it would give full reciprocity to all law-abiding gun owners in “constitutional carry” states.
The bill balances the constitutional rights protected by the Second Amendment with the rights of each state to enforce its own laws regarding concealed firearms.