U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Right now, the single most existential threat to free speech in America is the rise of financial deplatforming,” Revolver News observes. “If conservatives want to preserve the ability to think and speak freely in the decades to come, they must act to prevent the country’s most powerful financial institutions from imposing a brutal censorship regime on the entire country.”
To demonstrate how that is done, several examples are cited, from New York State pressuring “banks and insurance companies to deny services to the NRA” to conservative candidates being “banned from PayPal, GoFundMe, and Venmo in an effort to keep others from donating,” to “Visa and MasterCard [not] processing donations” to conservative groups and more.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has proposed a rule to prevent banks from discriminating against legal businesses and individuals. Note it does not require banks to forego due diligence in approving services to individual accounts, but essentially says regulated banks may not wholesale exclude entire legal industries.
“Woke” bankers discriminating against the firearms industry is hardly new – I wrote about it two years ago in “Banking on Disarmament,” when Citibank instituted a policy to “ prohibit… the sale of firearms to customers who have not passed a background check or who are younger than 21 [and to] bar… the sale of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines.”
That they’re doing it on their own shows how far we’ve devolved since the Obama administration’s Operation Chokepoint put lawful gun dealers into a higher risk/fraud category with Ponzi schemes and pornography. But we saw that developing when mobile credit card reader Square (co-founded by billionaire leftist/Twitter honcho Jack Dorsey) joined Paypal and other payment processors in prohibiting the use of their services for retail gun transactions.
Unsurprisingly, banks are also beneficiaries of collectivism.
Citigroup and B of A both got “government bailouts” courtesy of the taxpayers. Gun owners had no say in prohibiting money taken from them being used to guarantee assets of corporate ingrates. Banks have the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation acting as backup and providing a perceived guarantee of soundness and they take full advantage of the shielded-from-transparency Federal Reserve System.
There are other relationships tangential to guns and special connections. JP Morgan Chase, ATF’s credit card provider, offered a position to get a double-dipping Fast and Furious manager out of the country, was a top Obama and Hillary campaign contributor, and the bank that terminated the account of “3D printed gun” pioneer Defense Distributed.
Bottom line: We’re not talking about interfering with straight capitalism – the relationship more closely approximates economic fascism, with the banks quick to take advantage of the “benefits” of regulation. It’s not like the industry doesn’t lobby the hell out of the government to get it to craft laws in its favor. It’s not like they don’t “reward” politicians to carry out their will. It’s not like their political positions aren’t influenced by globalist and foreign government interests and investors from the Middle East and China.
What rationale is there again, to give them a pass on their obligations to ensure fair access to financial services under the Dodd-Frank Act?
Not that “progressives” opposed to the rule let any of that stop them from ginning up hysteria among their fellow prohibitionists:
“Days before getting kicked out of the White House, the Trump Administration is making a desperate ploy to force major banks to finance industries like private prisons, gun manufacturers, and fossil fuel companies,” Presente.org, “the largest national Latinx online organization advancing social justice with technology, media, and culture” hyperventilates in its intro for a petition telling the OCC to withdraw its proposal.
“OCC Plan Would Force Banks to Lend to Oil and Gun Companies,” Bloomberg News (no agenda there!) asserts.
“The OCC Stands Up for Fossil Fuels, Gun Makers, Opioid Manufacturers, and Payday Lenders,” Credit Slips ridicules, falling back on the old Alinsky Rule 5 tactic to paint those against discrimination as the ones in the wrong.
You see where this is going and you see why it’s not in the DSM’s (Duranty/Streicher Media’s) interests to give the rule proposal fair treatment. What’s perplexing is why the national gun groups don’t appear to be prioritizing organizing members to weigh in on rule proposal comments, especially with the comment period’s January 4 deadline fast approaching. I found a Dec. 7 article from NRA “encourag[ing] all firearm-related businesses that have been harmed by political discrimination in the provision of financial services to provide their respectful and constructive feedback on the proposal.” If there has been a concerted push from them, a GOA alert, or direction from SAF, they sure have made them hard to find – assuming one even knows to look.
I realize my reach is a lot shorter than that of our “gun rights leaders,” but I think it’s in the interests of all gun owners to care about this, and not just those businesses that have been denied financial services. The problem is, the comment period ends in days, so there’s not much time to react. That’s why I’m asking every gun owner reading this to take five minutes, right now, to go to the rule proposal and let the OCC know that protected industries should not be free to discriminate. I mean it — right now– if you don’t, chances are you’ll forget. And please don’t forget to recruit and enlist your friends.
I’d go a step further if I thought it would go anywhere, and urge my congressman to introduce a bill denying any and all federal benefits and contracts to any bank that does discriminate. And it’s not like the minds demanding a monopoly of violence don’t have plans of their own for useful idiot bankers once they no longer need them.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Comment submitted. Thank you, my friend, for all you do!!
David, once again your literary skillsets have brought forth more powerful information and alliance. I can only imagine what you go through to publish these pieces in such a timely manner. If there is ANYTHING that the Patriot Base in this nation can do for you to keep you in the trenches, keeping us informed as you do, let us know!
Semper Fidelis my fellow Patriot!
So many ENEMIES! Only one way to stop TYRANTS!!!
I just submitted my comment concerning this matter and I encourage everyone to do the same.
I did it…a little hesitant about the personal details part…but worth the risk and I guess I will find out later if it was wrong.
55 signers of The Constitution worried.. a little, so that you had the opportunity to do this!
I threw my 2¢ into the hopper. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to make our opinion known to those that make these rules. Once again you have made a good contribution to helping us tell Bureaucrats how we feel about our rights.
Phil in TX
It’s done and literally took about 5 minutes. Thank you for the info and all you do. We need more like this. A list of financial institutions and online payment brokers, websites, etc., would be very helpful as well. Conservatives aren’t too big on calling for nationwide boycotts, historically, we just stop doing business with the offending business concerns (look at Fox News’ ratings once we figured out we had been hung out to dry by their painful betrayal)!
I went on their site and changed the letter to OCC so it reads: “I support OCC proposed rule (Docket ID OCC-2020-0042-0001). I’m calling on the OCC to move ahead its proposed rule to force financial institutions to not discriminate against industries that have that are legal public and institutional businesses, such as private prisons, the fossil fuel industry, and gun manufacturers. During this holiday season and at the dawn of a new administration, Brian P. Brooks, who was just appointed the Acting Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) proposed a rule that would require Big Banks to finance any corporation that… Read more »
THANK YOU! I had writer’s block and THIS came in just in time! I strongly urge ALL to use this comment and perhaps change is ever so SLIGHTLY so the respondents don’t go to sleep reading the same response FROM ALL GUN OWNERS over and over which should be WELL IN THE MILLIONS!
This rule is GOING NOWHERE now. Trump should’ve got on this 4 years ago. Too busy congratulating himself on Twitter and having GREAT meetings with GREAT guy Jack Dorsey to DO ANYTHING about deplatforming, big tech censorship or vote fraud, vet “Federalist” Society court picks, vet ANYONE for that matter, etc.
The “free” people will have to go back to gold and silver as currency. Getting more like the world of demolition man san anglois cant say or do anything that is not approved BS my land is posted
I have been using powder, primers, brass, copper and lead as currency, MO BETTER!
Glad your on this issue David. Submitted my comments to OCC.
Comment made.
I commented as well as shared it on social media as an urgent matter.
Count me in as having commented David. I’ve been looking for an excuse to quit doing business with J.P. Morgan Chase and this may well be it if the big banks aren’t reigned in. Thanks for the info…
And thank you for using “progressive” in its proper context. There is nothing liberal about the Harris/Biden gang.
Comment all you like. You are adding to the record. That record may some day be a part of a doctoral dissertation on how our Republic was deconstructed from within without firing a shot. I know this because I have commented and intervened for decades with no effect. Code for Federal Regulations is a one way street. You shall be run down by bureaucrats and lobbyists. Here is the effective path: create alternatives. Go back and read your Austrian economics text books and create alternative financial tools to fill the void vacated by corporate collectivists. Alternative currencies may be an… Read more »
Very true and extreme well put. PEOPLE! HEED THIS WARNING!
Commented on the proposal. I suggest others do the same.
Was on vacation and thankful that I saw this article… I and my company just submitted our two cents about this very important issue. Talk about taking it down to the wire!
Personally I think we might be better off going outside the banking system and keeping all firearms related purchases as a cash only endeavor. It works well enough for the legalized cannabis trade and cuts off enormous profits from the big banks. Hit them where they live.
So much for THAT resolution. Pence is a quisling. Used his phony Christianity to sucker the chumps, just like GW Bush did. The “Republican” establishment was in on the coup d’etat. The Party of Lincoln is now Party of Stupid Corrupt Sissies and Traitors.
Gee so much for property rights