“Boston police failed to arrest ‘serial rapist’ for years despite DNA evidence,” WBUR, Boston University’s National Public Radio member station reported April 22. “Boston police finally arrested [Alvin] Campbell in early 2020 after a fifth woman reported she was raped.”
A woman he’d offered a ride to asked him to take her back to the hotel where he’d picked her up while “posing as a ride-hailing driver,” it explains. “Instead, he took her to his apartment in Dorchester that Saturday in July 2016 and sexually assaulted her, police alleged in court records.”
“Boston police finally arrested Campbell in early 2020 after a fifth woman reported she was raped,” the report continues, noting investigators “found evidence on his phone indicating he had sexually assaulted at least 10 additional women since the first incident in 2016.” It also notes “Campbell spent much of his adult life cycling in and out of state and federal prison for physical assaults and gun convictions.”
One wonders why, instead of “cycling,” people who have proven time and again they can’t be trusted not to victimize others aren’t kept away from the law-abiding and peaceable. Except that doesn’t fit in with the agenda of Massachusetts’ Democrat Attorney General, Andrea Campbell, Alvin’s sister.
Per the Associated Press, she said she “‘look[s] at every issue through an equity lens.’ She said Massachusetts residents don’t all have the same access to affordable health care or housing and aren’t all affected equally by the criminal justice system, crime or the climate crisis. She added that communities of color are ‘disproportionately policed and incarcerated.’”
It goes without saying that if one does not go around sexually assaulting women, the chances of being incarcerated on rape charges diminish greatly. But coming from a career criminal family, with authorities at one time calling her father the “leading black organized crime figure in New England,” there are personal incentives to blame the system instead of the individual – unless he’s an ordinary gun owner inclined to obey the law. (AG Campbell’s background is reminiscent of another billionaire Michael Bloomberg-backed daughter of a hoodlum, “reporter” Jennfier Mascia of The Trace, who has apparently made a career of taking her Daddy-was-a-hitman/Meadow Soprano issues out on gun owners who are not sociopathic animals.)
In Massachusetts, A- rated by Giffords for myriad prior restraints and infringements, those laws include “gun owner licensing [the licensing of a right], universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders, domestic violence gun laws, large capacity magazine ban, strong concealed carry law, certain open carry regulations, safe storage laws, community violence intervention funding, [and] record-keeping of gun sales.”
There’s also a “What Massachusetts is Missing” section, ostensibly to list what it would take to finally get the prohibitionists to give up and leave gun owners alone, but the reality is, since the minds behind citizen disarmament are really only about stopping non-sanctioned “gun violence,” the totalitarians posing as “commonsense gun safety advocates won’t ultimately settle for anything less than a monopoly of violence.
But they’ll take what they can get in increments, and Andrea shows us her cards for next steps toward the end game:
- Establish an Office of Gun Safety Enforcement: Bureaucrats and professional gun-grabbers with plenty of media publicity will think up new ways to undermine your rights.
- Prioritize community-based gun violence prevention: Pander to urban Democrat constituencies and throw tax plunder at the problem.
- Strengthen Massachusetts’ common sense gun laws: Ban more guns.
- Bolster gun safety training requirements: Impose new ways to deny and criminalize gun ownership.
All of these measures, of course, will not slow gangs terrorizing Boston, bragging about murders, and using kids as lookouts, one bit. But is sure will create ways to harass and destroy people who have never been part of that problem.
It’s ironic that Moms Demand Action considers a politician who enables victimizers of women a “gun safety candidate.” Ironic but understandable, as they and their Everytown bankrollers insists that “Arming victims with guns increases their risk.”
What they’re leaving out, because they want all women to be against guns, is that, per economist and author John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, “Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas…” In general, when the grabbers say women are endangered by a gun in the home, those in criminal households whose chronic poor choices include the males they attach themselves to are who they get their numbers from.
What this translates to in practical terms is if you’re a serial sexual predator, the odds are your victim won’t be able to stop you from having your way with her and doing whatever you want. Andrea and Moms Demand are determined to make sure the law keeps your victims defenseless.
And while the WBUR story begins by saying “It started off like countless other Uber rides in downtown Boston,” it doesn’t matter if Alvin was posing as a legit rideshare driver or not. Uber prohibits riders from being armed. So does competitor Lyft.
This makes a pretty good case for not surrendering your means of defense, taking your own car, and staying out of Democrat areas whenever it can be avoided.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
All the ‘moms’ live in safe communities. They have no need for personal protection other than the 10 year old little canister of pepper spray (thats never been tested) on their keychains but will damn sure try to strip you of your RIGHT.
He dindunuffins.
I am always surprised at the number of bearded ladies wearing the Moms DEMAND! Action t-shirts. Proof that the carnival is in town.
Who knew that Lewis Carroll would be such a prophet? This stuff is all down the rabbit hole. When personal responsibility becomes societal responsibility no one is ever guilty–or everyone is. Once again, I’m glad I’m old.
This is horrible! But, you live with what you sow.
will she recuse herself from involvement into her brothers rape case? seems like the entire family is a criminal organization, including her.
if there is credible evidence for all these rapes he should be executed, preferably in public.