What Is The Most Dangerous Threat? One You May “See” But Erroneously Discount



The City of Los Angeles’ Department of Animal Services maintains several animal shelters, including the one where a near-fatal dog attack occurred several days ago.

A kennel supervisor at this particular shelter (with twenty years of experience) was nearly killed during a precipitous dog attack.

The dog involved was not a Pitbull but a sixty-pound “Dogo Argentino.”

This breed was developed in the 1940s, mostly for pig hunting in South America. It is also present in dogfighting circles (illegal in the USA) and is thus illegal/restricted in some countries.

All the City’s animal shelters are criminally overcrowded with vast numbers of unwanted animals because soft-headed leftist politicians who run the City won’t allow any to be euthanized, even those that are demonstrably dangerous.

It is always curious the way insulated leftists are always more than happy to let other people put their lives and health on the line within patently unsafe conditions that these same politicians manufacture.

In this case, the dog suddenly bit the legs of the kennel worker, then bit her chest and face as she fell. This woman survived only because she was able to grab a brick and strike the dog’s head multiple times, but she still sustained severe disabling/disfiguring injurys.

Had that brick not been there, this woman surely would not have lived through the attack, as there was no one around to help her.


  1. ) Many, even those who work with dogs daily, drop their guard with dogs that “look cute.”
  2. ) Dog attacks are real, lethal, and occur suddenly and without warning. Deadly force must be applied with precision and immediately!
  3. ) Without “force multipliers,” which are both effective and immediately accessible, humans are weak and extremely vulnerable when attacked by dog(s).

What is the most dangerous threat?

It’s the one you may “see” but erroneously discount, not recognizing the danger that is present until it’s too late!


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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there was a woman attacked by her own dog last week, visitor shot the dog saved her ,do not know if she survived she was critical at new report


Killing more dogs and cats is not the answer and is asinine. Ask yourself why the Los Angeles shelters are overcrowded with dogs and cats (including puppies and kittens). The democrats that run the government in Commiefornia do not allocate enough money to the shelters. Theyve spents millions of dollars, that they’ve screwed the populus out of, for organizations that supposedly help the homeless and never do. The workers are stressed because of the lack of space and facilities. Volunteers help because there is not enough funding to hire staff. Couple that with people that buy dogs from backyard breeders.… Read more »


A couple years back I came home to find all my chickens dead and then was attacked by the culprits that did the deed. A 200 pound mastiff and a Rottweiler, they attacked me and the mastiff lunged at me 3 times before I shot him in the face with my 1911 . The owners spent $5000 saving him and tried to blame me for the incident. They paid restitution for my poultry and the dogs are not to be loose ever again or they will be euthanized . Had I not have been armed at the time the outcome… Read more »


John, Thanks for posting the story of the Dogo Argentino and the unwary kennel supervisor. Her lack of situational awareness was the first nail in her knee. That 60 pound fighting dog was very likely highly stressed. The second nail. I’m sure the over crowded kennel was sheer bedlam with hundreds of dogs stress barking. She may have has decades of experience, but she wasn’t really paying attention to the dog’s behaviors and vocalizations. That’s the third and final nail. She might have triggered the attack by simply turning her back on the dog (her wounds were on the back… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by Novice.but.learning

lol women belong in the home, they can’t manage things like this


What is the most dangerous threat to society and our democracy of the republic, democrats. They handle criminals just like they do the dogs. If they would put them both down like they should, we would all be safer. I think we need a new agency. Let’s call it, The Democrat Violence Prevention Agency and fund millions of dollars to it so we can train more people to think normal with common sense and logic. Oh, President Trump and I are asking a favor. Tell anyone that gets a TIP that if President Trump is elected into office, he will… Read more »