The presence of the pistol led Daytona Beach Police Officer Chris Marr to detain the driver because he was 20 years old.
Police Officer Shows Ignorance of Gun Laws on Live TV

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The presence of the pistol led Daytona Beach Police Officer Chris Marr to detain the driver because he was 20 years old.
There is no protection for courageous and dedicated American police officers trying to do the job they’re paid to do! And woke politicians will find fault at every turn.
The Mississippi Highway Patrol/Mississippi Department of Public Safety will host the 2019 NRA National Police Shooting Championships at the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officer’s Training Academy.
The NRA Law Enforcement Division returns to the Extreme Tactics & Training Solutions facilities in Waxahachie, Texas, to conduct the Texas Multi-State Regional Tactical Police Competition on Nov 3
During last Sunday’s shooting in Las Vegas, NV, at least two police officers, a Federal agent in one case, “borrowed” pistols…
As it was, I had only my RMR Optic-equipped GLOCK G17. Ammunition was Speer 124gr Gold Dot 9mm. How I wished I had brought my M4!
The Safariland Training Group today announces that their fall Conference will take place September 19-22, 2017 in Homestead, Fla.
Their goal is for all of Western Civilization, but particularly the USA, to descend into chaos. In Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, they have been largely successful!
We’re into the second day of our wonderful 2017 ILEETA (International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association), this year in St Louis, MO…
It is time for Law Enforcement to join the 21st century to teach Law Enforcement Officers the difference between training and practice or qualification.
An all-out, nationwide war on our police officers continues, as Democrat politicians grovel before BLM (black lives matter), and other strident anti-LE(police) groups.
This particular agency is more retarded that most, but the foregoing is exquisitely illustrative of the difference between private and public enterprise.
A “safe word” is a code word that explains you are on high alert, something you can say to your Spouse that should instantly make them aware there is a possible problem or threat…
Along comes the Police Bill Of Rights! These are “Rights”, afforded Police Officers in the aftermath of a lethal shooting are 180° away from the Rights you and I are afforded.
Defense Training International’s Offers FREE Training Videos for unconditional sharing with friends, family, colleagues, & all others who may benefit…
Unfortunately, with the exception of a few elite units, our military has still not updated to the idea of “hot” ranges, due to an infestation of risk-aversion.
The Alliance Police Training Facility (Alliance, OH) is proud to announce we will once again be hosting a series of breaching classes instructed by Master Breacher John Mayer.
An examination of the M4s present revealed that, in most cases, the red dot and the back-up iron sights did not agree. Some were not even close…
Vicki & I attended ILEETA.. Both of us presented Classes, participated in panel discussions, as well attending as many other Classes as we could…
So, when an officer is about to be crushed to death by a violent murderer driving a car, he may not shoot the driver through the windshield in order to save his own life???
It was 9 pm & dark outside. The house was lighted up inside & the officer heard sounds that indicated the house was occupied. The he knocked on the door. No one answered…
Liberals & their allies in the press, cater to losers & criminals! Always have, as that is their support base. Murdered police officers rarely concern them, but a dead criminal is unthinkable…
Point a gun at a cop and get yourself shot! This is not rocket science…
This exclusive, supplemental video instruction, by John & Vicki Farnam, is intended for DTI Alumni, but is suitable for LE, Military, and all other serious Operators.
American police have, since I can remember, taken great pride in providing immediate help to people who really needed them…
It is not a good time to be a cop, especially a good one who is trying to do his job…
Action Target has opened registration for their heavily anticipated annual Law Enforcement Training Camp (LETC), being held September 14-18, 2015…
The 2015 International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association Training Conference and Expo will offer more than 150 courses and more than two dozen instructor certifications/armorer course
The problem is not that we’re shooting too many people. The problem is that we’re not shooting nearly enough…
The Smith & Wesson Governor is molded from solid blue polyurethane to differentiate them from a live weapon…