David Hogg, co-founder of a youth gun prohibition movement following the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has been elected one of three vice chairs of the Democratic National Committee.
The Harris-Walz campaign’s radical anti-gun views have drawn praise and support from other like-minded radicals, especially David Hogg.
Fuck the NRA fu*k the NSSF fu*k the entire gun industry for their total abandonment of promoting responsible gun ownership — David Hogg
Self-styled anti-gun political activist David Hogg has announced plans to “use his advocacy” to help get younger far left “progressive” candidates elected to public office
Anyone with factory experience, aware of the myriad interrelated disciplines required, will quickly peg this arrogant poseur as a pure Astroturf figurehead.
Note Pfleger wasn’t exactly consumed with concern for innocence and due process when he urged a mob to “snuff out” a gun store owner who had committed no crimes.
As for what Lightfoot can “do better,” that’s something we dare not bring up lest we are smeared as haters and worse.
New York City is a laboratory where all the experiments the gun-grabbers demand imposing on a national scale are shown to have failed.
Gun owners need our state and national leaders give us the real lowdown to help us direct where our attention and limited resources would best be placed.
After all, if Americans can’t be trusted in the Capitol, or a campus, store, church or school armed, they can’t be trusted armed anywhere.
If there’s one thing that’s “normalized” in the Windy City, it’s feral thugs upping the death toll on a regular basis.
The useful young idiot du jour is just being used to manipulate the emotions of low-information voters…
Mr. Hogg and others who want a federal tax on firearms and ammunition would be well-served by spending a bit of time researching an idea before they start issuing demands.
Instead, the only clue that seems to have surfaced so far has the guy talking like … among others, Shannon Watts.
The Twitter platform may not be an equal opportunity soapbox, with some flawed opinions reportedly getting more exposure than others & some speakers seemingly operating with greater impunity.
That says a lot about the mindset, that political power is something to be seized, and that political opponents are to be disarmed.
“We’re pro second amendment” reveals itself to be not just a lie, but a big one.
…where is the consolidated itinerary of cities, locations, dates and times, and is withholding that information intentional?
It was done for no other apparent reasons than Kashuv disagreeing with prevailing “progressive” sentiment on guns.
David Hogg is NOT a hero. David Hogg is the anti-hero who is being bolstered and pushed by Soros money to tear down conservatives like Laura Ingraham and to bully the rest of America into submission.
This generation is not what I would call tough or mature. They’re coddled, protected and the worse adversity they ever face is what emoji to use on their new iPhone.
It’s pretty obvious that the gun-grabbing feeding frenzy we see going on is as much based on a cult of personalities as it is on anything else…
He’s hardly the first criminal to call for citizen disarmament in the wake of his own aberrant behavior.