Florida Gun Rights doesn’t have a clue what is going on in Florida. Has no real presence in Florida. It is a scam.
Dudley Brown
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Sues Colorado Secretary of State & ‘Colorado Ethics Watch’
Rocky Mountain Gun Owner’s lawsuit comes in response to a Colorado Ethics Watch complaint that was filed with the Colorado Secretary of State claiming RMGO violated Colorado laws…
Dudley Brown & NAGR’s Despicable Deception
It is time to call Dudley what he is, a political bomb-throwing bully whose stock in trade is to incite distrust and discontent within the ranks of the gun rights movement for his financial gain…
Three Federal Bills That Would Repeal Anti-Gun Laws
The past seven months have been a whirlwind of legislative battles on Capitol Hill concerning our Second Amendment rights. Here are three bills that I am excited to be pushing on the Hill…
Take The Fight To Them
We’re taking the fight to politicians in their home states. One TV ad running statewide in Pennsylvania targets Republican turncoat Senator Pat Toomey, who carried Barack Obama’s gun control bill in April…
Is NJ Senator Jeffrey Chiesa Biden’s ‘1 of 5’ for Gun Control
Is NJ Senator Jeffrey Chiesa planning to advance the scandal-ridden administration’s efforts to abuse the rights of Americans by supporting the next wave of anti-gun legislation???
Trust Obama: You’re Crazy
After his administration’s gun-running scandal, the IRS’ targeting of pro-limited government groups & the Justice Department’s wiretapping of reporters, I’m sure you think it’s insane for me to even ask you that question…
Is Boehner Helping Obama Control Your Rights?
Is Republican Speaker John Boehner preparing to bail-out Barack Obama on gun control AGAIN???
Gun Grabber Chris Christie — Exposed!
Governor Christie announced he’s again teaming up with the radical anti-gunners in Trenton to force even more gun-grabbing restrictions on New Jersey residents…
Senate Voting On Toomey-Manchin Gun Proposal This Afternoon
Today the United States Senate will vote on the Toomey-Manchin “Background Check” (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION) Bill as an amendment to S.649…
16 Republicans Vote To Move Forward on Gun Control
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid succeeded in overcoming Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster and 13 NRA “A Rated” Republicans and 9 “A Rated” Democrats voted to help him do it…
Schumer Gun Control Being Pushed By Republicans
If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is able to break Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster, all bets are off…
Republican Senators Grassley & McConnell Giving In to Obama?
Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley is working on a “gun control lite” bill that could give Obama much of the gun control he wants…
Stand with Rand Paul Against the UN Arms Trade Treaty
Senator Rand Paul will be offering a budget amendment that will make it more difficult for the implementation of ANY international treaty creating an international gun registry or gun ban…
Colorado Gun Owners Contact Governor Hickenlooper Right Now
Colorado’s gun-grabbing state legislature has pushed our backs against the wall. While we were able to kill 2 anti-gun bills in the Senate last week, the other 4 passed…
Caitlin Halligan Deserves a Thumbs Down Vote
It seems there isn’t a day that passes by where anti-gunners in Washington, D.C. aren’t concocting schemes to crush your Second Amendment rights…
Colorado Don’t STOP! Keep Up Pressure on the Gun Banning Politicos
Senate President John Morse and his Democrat caucus buddies are feeling the heat. Your calls, post cards, letters, and e-mails are starting to get to them…
Where’s Governor Chris Christie as Democrats Bury the Second Amendment
Despite a massive turnout of law-abiding gun owners and Second Amendment supporters, anti-gun lawmakers balked and passed these bills while Chris Christie is AWOL…
Colorado Gun Control Bills Up For Vote TOMORROW
Despite massive grassroots opposition from RMGO members and supporters, a number of extremely anti-gun bills passed out of committee and are headed to the Colorado House floor…
Drag Gun Owners Behind A Truck???
After the tragedy in Connecticut, the gun-grabbers think they have the perfect “excuse” to completely GUT our Second Amendment rights…
Colorado’s Battle Plan to Defeat Political Gun Banners
The 2013 legislative session began just this week in Denver, Co and the gun grabbers are already hard at work stripping us of our gun rights…
Gun Control Step 1 Kill the Fililbuster
Harry Reid was moments away from using the so-called “nuclear option” to break Senate rules to gut the filibuster. But he pulled back and delayed the vote…
Feinstein and Fellow Gun-Grabbers Are Going For Broke
President Obama has put in charge JOe Biden in charge of ramming new gun control schemes through Congress — has already said he sees no reason why a new so-called “assault weapons ban” can’t pass…
Obama Says – Ban Guns
At a press conference immediately following the Connecticut shooting, President Obama made his intentions clear: He’s prepared to ram his anti-gun agenda down our throats…
Beware of the Circling Gun Banning Vultures
Please do two things tonight: pray for the victims and their families, and then prepare for a gun control onslaught like we’ve never seen before…
Gun Ban Barack Called Her First
Just after midnight on election night, Barack Obama picked up the phone and called Hillary Clinton, asking her to renew his administration’s war on the Second Amendment rights of Americans…
Gun-Grabbers Are Already Claiming An Anti-Gun Mandate For President Obama
Our job now is to make sure we never let our guard down for ONE SECOND to give the gun-grabbers an opening for new schemes…
Vote Like Your Forefathers
The fact is, in far too many races across the state, our gun rights have been ignored, or even worse, openly mocked…
Who Supports The Second Amendment in Colorado
Despite the national distractions, we have candidates right here in Colorado who can make a huge difference in securing our Second Amendment rights…
United Nations’ Gun Ban Is Far From Dead
In fact, I’m afraid this nightmare has just begun. Hillary’s global gun grab is proving harder to kill than Freddy Krueger.