Gun owners were carried along by a conservative wave in this last election.. and gun groups claimed credit they didn’t deserve for electing conservative candidates…
Initiative 594
CCRKBA’s Gottlieb to Speak at ‘Rally For Your Rights’ In Olympia, Wa. Jan. 15 2015
“I’m honored to have been invited to share the concerns of more than a million Washington gun owners who are now feeling the effects of all the problems with Initiative 594,” Gottlieb said…
Washington’s i594 Universal Background Check Law Has Become An Unenforceable Disaster
No one is even certain who is enforcing the implementation of I-594 and nobody at the state level really has any clue as to who is going to be ultimately responsible…
SAF Lawsuit Challenges Parts of I-594 in WA State
The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the I-594 initieative in Washington State.
They Promised Us Peace If We Gave Up Our Guns
They promised us peace if we would accept a little regulation.. But armed robbery didn’t stop. In fact, crime continued as if the new law didn’t exist…
Sadly Washington’s I-594 Initiative Becomes Law
I-594, which expanded background checks for gun sales, became law on Dec. 4 2014 in Washington State…
Ill-conceived WA. State Background Check Initiative Already Causing Absurd Outcomes
While we await news of other embarrassing and counterproductive consequences of the law, what is already obvious is that this poorly thought-out and badly drafted law goes too far…
How I-594 Gun Control was Passed in Washington State
I-594 in Washington State is a horribly written,18 page initiative that seems more intent on trapping legal gun owners than on reducing violent crime. How did it pass???
Washington Voters Gleefully Swallow the 594 Background Check Blue Pill
By a 60% – 40% vote, they are going to be saddled with a Universal Background Check law. This is the first step toward what will eventually be Universal Registration of all their guns…
Sen. Harry Reid Falls from His Throne; House Reinforced with Pro-Gunners
As you have no doubt heard, Republicans successfully took control the U.S. Senate last night, and in the process, dethroned one of the most anti-gun Majority Leader’s in history…
Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility Libels in Video
A scene in which was typed into a browser includes the words “NO QUESTIONS ASKED” and states that criminals who fail background checks can go online and buy guns…
27 Of 39 Washington Sheriffs Now Oppose Initiative 594
A majority of Washington State’s 39 sheriffs have come out in opposition to anti-gun Washington State Ballot Initiative and Gun Ban number 594…
Gun Owners of America Countering the Anti-gun Left’s New Strategy
Turning most gun owners into criminals. Bloomberg’s 1st attempt at buying a state is in Washington. If he is successful in the Evergreen State, simply owning a gun would land you in jail…
NO On I-594: Don’t Turn Neighbors Into Accidental Criminals
Would you vote for a law that would make criminals of half your neighbors? Washington Initiative 594 would do exactly that…
Majority of Washington State Sheriffs Oppose I-594
My biggest concern is that this initiative is a fast track in turning many law abiding citizens into potential criminals. Sheriff Brian Burnett, Chelan County WA…
Making the Pro Gun Grade
THe NRA increases the problem by failing to hold politicians like Begich accountable for Supreme Court and other confirmation votes that are grave threats to gun owners, suddenly it’s not Bloomberg.
Who Is Standing Up For Washington State Gun Owners?
Polls show the anti-gunners pulling ahead, with seventy percent of voters favoring the universal firearms background checks bill I-594…
Washington Gun Control Ballot Measure Would Criminalize Common Firing Range Occurance
Ballot Initiative 594 could make the act of simply lending one’s gun to another person without a background check by a licensed dealer, at a firing range, for example, illegal…
Billionaires Buying Away Your Rights, Will Washington State Residents Sell Out?
There is a major battle under way in Washington State over your rights that has serious implications for the rest of the country…
Washington: Voters in the Evergreen State are Urged to Visit
Misrepresented as a means to prevent violent crime & keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited persons, Initiative 594 will have a very negative effect on responsible gun owners & the 2A…
Bill Gates & Michael Bloomberg No Show on Debate Over Gun Control Initiative 594
Gottlieb announced that he will allow Bill Gates to bring former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and make it a two-on-one debate on the myriad of faults with Washington state gun control initiative 594…