20 AI Chatbots were asked 16 questions on crime & gun control and ranked the answers on how liberal or conservative their responses were. Patriotic Americans know where this is going…
It’s been a year now, & you’d think if constitutional carry in Ohio were a dangerous issue, there would be no shortage of examples…
Hoplophobes are people who have an irrational fear of firearms. What is it like for them as they wait for their monster to attack, and can they be helped?
If he wants to get technical, fascist archetype Benito Mussolini won the popular vote in the 1924 Italian general election by a two-thirds majority landslide.
For an “expert” on relationships, Amy also seems unusually quick to suggest a father throw a beloved daughter out of his home for taking the responsible, adult step of seeing to her own protection.
Several lawyers in Mississippi thought it would be a good idea to report a client who had a gun permit to the police as a dangerous threat. They were wrong.
The professors said guns in classrooms could lead to self-censorship during discussions about emotional or politically charged topics, such as abortion or gay rights…
Gun-phobes are afraid of guns AND gun owners. There are never enough safe spaces to calm the gun-phobes fears. We shouldn’t try. Enough is enough.
In light of all the shootings and violence, the Second Amendment still needs amending, and these amendments need the support of the right wing.
My short article outlining the reasons not to support Proposition 63 should be welcome. But the society refused to publish any opinion that differed from its official position.
In a just world, he’d be impeached. There certainly are grounds for it. Here’s how to get that process started.
The problem arises when someone tries to force their faith on others, be it religious, social, dietary, pharmacologic, or hoplophobic.
The editors at Medical Economics, choice of a fuming hoplophobe to write about guns only confirms that bias is alive in their newsletter…
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”. This is the battle cry for people who wish to demonize inanimate objects, like rifles, because they have an inherent fear of them.
The ironclad rule of anti-gun politics dictates that firearms must only be portrayed in a negative light.
If you had a gun to protect yourself, but the crook could just take it from you, you wouldn’t need a gun. You could just take the crook’s gun and use that.
At Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership we will relentlessly expose anti-gun rights extremists using their lofty university positions to attack our civil rights.
It’s become clear over the past 30 years that, in the field of demonizing firearms and those who use them, there are equally contradictory uses of vocabulary.
Most women who are afraid of guns have no bad personal experiences of them…
This open & grotesque display of contempt & disrespect for soldiers & contractors, who daily risk our lives in this FOB, supporting US foreign policy, did not go unnoticed!.
Hoplophobes are people who have an irrational fear of firearms. What do they feel as they wait for their monster to attack? How can we help them.. and help ourselves?
Gun Free UT’s statistics—which are never offered with any type of context—are at best misleading and at worst untrue.
This is CBS New’s attempt to amp up the culture war against gun owners by telling citizens that gun hobby magazines are pornography…
It is almost certifiably crazy to believe in a lot of what the ‘anti-gun violence’ crowd wants you to believe…
As a young Canadian proud of his nation’s military, he was given the opportunity to hold a CAF member’s rifle & he posted a photo of himself holding that rifle…
None of the media reporting has yet to ask how this professor so quickly lined up a new job at the University of Sydney in Australia?
There are apparently nine parents who claim they fear “for safety of their children”, who go to school near a gun store & now something must be done…
A frenzied Pfleger glared with wild-eyed fury into the TV cameras to declare that law-abiding gun owners would “pay for” the so-called “murders” that take place in his crime-ridden parish…
Hoplophobia continues to take a huge toll on the nation, distorts the political climate, and costs lives as innocent people are disarmed to help appease the irrational fears of Hoplophobia sufferers..
Despite the “feelings” of the D.C. Attorney General’s Office, Rep. Buck and Rep. Gowdy were acting squarely within the applicable law when the photo was taken…