The brutal assault on a Baptist church in a small town in Texas is reverberating through the U.S. military, and the results are not going to be pretty…
Frank Lautenberg
New Jersey’s Top Anti-Gun Senator, Frank Lautenberg Dead
Lautenberg, was an unabashed supporter of gun control and his signature piece of legislation the “Lautenberg Amendment” will live on…
To Senators Baucus & Tester Re Gun Powder Control Amendment
Senator Lautenberg’s amendment will be the camel’s nose in the tent to invoke similar federal control over manufacture, distribution and sale of the components of ammunition, and eventually ammunition itself…
The Battle is Not Coming – It is Here! You Must Remain Engaged!
President Obama and a usual cast of characters, in keeping with their longstanding practice of not letting any crisis go to waste, quickly used the tragedy to push their gun ban agenda…
Senator Lautenberg’s Assault On Civil Rights Knows No Bounds
Lautenberg solemnly ran down the “Top Ten” list of reasons gun control advocates trot out to justify their insatiable lust for power and control.
Anti-Gun Lautenberg Trying to Put Amendment on Cybersecurity Bill
So Lautenberg believes you don’t need 100 rounds of ammunition? Who decided that our Bill of Rights should be a Bill of Needs?
Lautenberg, Schumer, and the Usual Suspects Call for Magazine Ban
Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), joined Schumer in an effort to resurrect the ’94 ban.
“Need” & “Reasonable” Have No Place in Debate Over God Given Rights
No matter what gun control advocates are targeting, the buzz words “need” and “reasonable” are trotted out.
Time to De-throne Lautenberg & Bloomberg
NJ Senator Frank Lautenberg wasted no time in calling for expanded gun control, jumping on the bandwagon pulled by NY City Emperor Michael Bloomberg within hours of the deadly movie theater shooting.
Mccarthyism Alive & Well – Bloomberg, Lautenberg & The Terror Gap
The concept of “McCarthyism” is new to a entire generation of Americans that have no idea this type of thing was done once before in the 1940’s and 1950’s.
Senator Lautenberg’s Facebook Page Overrun By Second Amendment Supporters
It seems that the speed and reach of social media is biting the 87 year old anti gun Senator on, shall we say .. the rear…
Terror Watchlist Legislation Targeting US Gun Owners
Proposed to allow the Attorney General to disapprove the NICS check of a person who has been placed on the FBI’s secret “terrorist watchlist.” ..
Rumor of Large Capacity Magazine Amendment
A little research however shows that no such amendment currently exists on the list of amendments filed…
Lautenberg Looks To Ban Large High-Capacity Clips
Another proposal, being offered by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), would ban ammunition feeding devices holding more than an arbitrarily determined number of round
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition – WTF
One of his unfortunate new jersey subjects found out, that same campaign of misinformation is being applied at all levels of his organization where they seemingly never miss
NSSF Responds to NY Times ‘Government Watch List’ Editorial
The New York Times has now decided that some should be denied a Constitutional right without due process…