The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled the ban on open carry imposed by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is beyond her Constitutional authority.
MI Court of Appeals Affirms Slap-Down of Ban on Open Carry as beyond Legal Authority

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled the ban on open carry imposed by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is beyond her Constitutional authority.
Judge Murray of the Michigan Court of Claims, has struck down a ban on open carry at the poll by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, because proper procedures were not followed.
The arena authority is preempted, and the enforcement of their policy against Michigan Open Carry and MGO was illegal. Period.
The countdown is on! Three weeks to go for this year’s Michigan 2018 Second Amendment March. Are you going to attend? We hope to see you at the state capital.
This morning we received word they have agreed to hear oral arguments in Michigan Open Carry, Inc. & Kenneth Herman v. Clio Area School District.
Under the old law every gun dealer in the state was guilty of a misdemeanor and could have been shut down!!!
Michigan Open Carry, Inc. has decided to have an awareness picnic. We will be gathering at Lake Alliance Park starting at 2:00PM on Aug. 26th.
J. Joseph Rossi declared Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority’s (CAA) anti-gun policy to be preempted by state law and therefore unlawful.
State Rep. Abdullah Hammoud’s bill if passed as introduced, would make it nearly impossible for average citizens to carry a gun lawfully…
The Second Amendment March is coordinating a pro-gun march & rally at the Michigan State Capitol on Wednesday, April 26th 2017…
Michigan Open Carry, Inc. is sending this update to let you know what events are taking place across the state of Michigan.
MOC’s corporate counsel, Dean Greenblatt, officially appealed on our behalf to the Michigan Supreme Court to reverse the appellate ruling against us in MOC\Herman v. Clio Area Schools.
Seeking access to public information, Michigan Open Carry, Inc. has filed a complaint under Michigan’s Freedom Of Information Act against the City of Harbor Beach, in the Huron County Circuit Court.
Make no mistake, the scope of Michigan’s firearm preemption hangs in the balance.
On November 1st, Phillip Hofmeister, who would become MOC’s 5th President, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of SB 59 ’11.
If you find yourself past the 10 day window to submit your pistol registration, and you believe your local jurisdiction will fine you for turning the paperwork in late, you should consider…..
Last month, Michigan Open Carry, Inc. and Michigan Gun Owners filed a lawsuit against the Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority (CAA), the public authority that owns DeVos Place…..
Both gun organizations, Michigan Gun Owners and Michigan Open Carry, feel that not only is CAA’s policy illegal, it is also dangerous and reckless.
When the Second Amendment March was held at the Michigan Capitol, someone took the opportunity to vandalize the Truck used to haul the MGO trailer.
On March 11, 2016, one month ago today, an undocumented and unlawful weapons policy was illegally enforced under threat of trespass against members of Michigan Gun Owners (MGO), and Michigan…..
Next week Wednesday, April 13th, MOC will join hundreds of our fellow gun owners in Lansing for the 2016 Second Amendment March to rally in support of our Second Amendment rights!
The political circus returned to Lansing recently and the Gangbanger Protection Act of 2015 is an attack on everyone’s fundamental human right to self-defense…
According to Nevada’s DPS Website, Nevada no longer recognizes Michigan’s CPL for reciprocity…
Has anyone wondered if Michigan is being lapped in terms of advancing the protections to your fundamental human right to self defense?
Spurred on by the hundreds of gun rights supporters that rallied in Lansing on Wednesday for the 2015 Second Amendment March, both the House & Senate pushed two sets of bills through the final stages.
Join hundreds of fellow gun owners as we show up to express how important our right to Keep and Bear arms is to members of our Michigan State Legislature…
It’s another week in Michigan and another group of “special” people are trying to get exemptions from the concealed pistol free zones and it is NOT you…
This bill package will clarify the meaning of firearms brandishing in effort to eliminate a charge from an anti-gun prosecutor for carrying a firearm in Michigan…
We in Michigan Open Carry, Inc have long opposed special classes of politically connected people getting special or enhanced privileges that most people do not receive…
What often gets overlooked is that government employees who carry guns are often held to a lower standard than private individuals and this includes cops…