Connecticut Carry continues to speak about the uncomfortable truths that result when people are manipulated by politicians when they are the most emotional.
Connecticut Carry
Connecticut Carry Fights Back Against Hysterical Propaganda
The argument is whether or not the mere carrying of a firearm either provides that suspicion or overrides the requirement for reasonable articulable suspicion.
Connecticut Carry Fires Back Against Malloy With Common Sense
After Governor Dannel Malloy’s announcement this week that he would seek to increase Pistol Permit fees to ridiculous highs.
Open Letter To Immigration & Gun Control Radical : CT Senator Murphy
Your recent call for increased infringements on the rights of Americans (more gun control) coupled with decreased vetting of foreign entities has now reached ‘the Lunatic Fringe’.
Connecticut Carry Director Ed Peruta’s Response to 9th Circuit Decision
The decision in Peruta v. San Diego could not have come at a better time, 5 months prior to a National Election of a new President of these United States.
Orlando Club Massacre Steels Resolve in Connecticut
In the wake of a horrible incident in Orlando, Florida, Connecticut Carry is once again reminded of the importance of its mission statement and Article 1, Section 15 of the Connecticut Constitution…
State Legislature Furthers Abuse Against Gun Owners
Connecticut Legislators made their priorities clear when they adjourned the Connecticut legislative session on May 4th. While Connecticut Legislators could not bring themselves to make a timely…..
CT State’s Attorney Releases Police ‘How to Manual’ for Harassing Gun Owners
The memorandum goes on for 5 more pages describing how police in Connecticut can still get away with harassing and detaining citizens not breaking the law!
Governor’s Bill HB 5054 Repeats Anti-Due Process Nonsense
Governor Dannel Malloy has once again announced that, through his emotional puppet Lt. Gov. Wyman, he will pursue legislation that would erode the right to due process in Connecticut, as well…..
Horrifying Home Invasion, Seconds Count & Police Are Ten Minutes Away ~ VIDEO
The victim’s mother zip-tied with her son Luke dead from multiple gunshot wounds pleaded with the dispatcher for police & an ambulance for ten minutes…
CT Residents Aghast at Governor Dannel Malloy’s Watch List Executive Order
The very idea that CT Governor Malloy seeks to remove constitutional rights without due process using these secret ‘watch lists’ is despicable & unconstitutional…
Redundant and Ignorant Bill is Quashed at Last Minute
As the Connecticut General Assembly adjourned on June 3rd, it was clear that SB 650 had been abandoned and left to wither on the vine.
The Anti-Rights Groups Desperately Play Their Emotion Card
Demonstrating that this year’s push for automatic confiscation of firearms from anyone accused by a single party of being a threat to anyone else is nothing but a short sighted and ill-researched…..
Connecticut Carry Responds to Governor’s Domestic Violence Bill
On March 11th, the Connecticut Judiciary Committee held a Public Hearing to discuss several bills in front of a standing room only hearing room that will impact our individual rights in Connecticut.
Connecticut Carry Can’t Find A Single Pro Gun Politician to Endorse for 2014??!!
We will not be endorsing candidates for the 2014 election! The current crop of political candidates range from downright horrible to only wanting to use us for our votes to absolutely delusional…
John McKinney Eliminated from Election By Connecticut Gun Owners
This goes hand in hand with Connecticut Carry’s declaration that all legislators that voted for the 2013 Gun Ban are also Unfit for Office…
Connecticut Bar Association’s Support of 2013 Gun Ban is Deplorable
The Connecticut Bar Association is proposing to support the 2013 Gun Ban in Connecticut, they have chosen to attack ‘the rights of individuals’ instead of safeguarding those rights…
Declaratory Rulings Sought on 2013 Gun Ban, Connecticut Carry Launches Opinions & Rulings Fund
Connecticut Carry has made a significant investment into clarifying parts of the CT Gun Ban Laws which have been the sources of questions as well as areas where people are at risk of criminal penalties…
Battle for Rights Takes to Social Media Connecticut Carry Engages Anti-rights Groups Online
Using the anti-rights own social media tool against them, Connecticut Carry has engaged them by creating its own Thunderclap campaign which has, so far, completely out paced the anti-rights groups, almost 2 to 1…
Slap the Anti-Rights Haters with a ‘Thunderclap’ for Connecticut Gun Owners
Anti-rights groups have announced that they will protest a gun rights rally planned by Connecticut Citizens Defense League for April 5th 2014 using social media. Our response is to counterattack…
Connecticut Carry to State Officials – We Dare You To Enforce Your Gun Ban!
The state needs to shit, or get off the pot. The fact is, the state does not have the balls to enforce these laws. The laws would not survive the public outcry and resistance that would occur…
Peruta v San Diego & Connecticut’s Ties to the Big Win in California
The Peruta decision makes clear that states and municipalities cannot deny their citizens the right to bear arms any more than they can deny their citizens the right to possess arms…
Perverted Justice: CT State Continues Prosecution despite Trooper’s Forced Resignation
In, yet, another flimsy case, brought and prosecuted by the State of Connecticut, the State is, once again, refusing to drop charges against a Connecticut citizen because of the fact that he owns firearms….
CT State Police Releases Confidential Info, Detective Barbara Mattson Illegally Exposes Permit Holders
Important questions about these disclosures have also been asked, such as: What action does the state intend to take in response to a prohibited disclosure???
Connecticut DESPP Admits ‘Mistakes’, Promises to Stop Threatening Lawful Gun Owners
In a letter dated September 10th, 2013, the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection admitted to ‘mistakes’ in sending threatening letters to citizens…
CT, 2A Rights Attacked Behind Closed Doors, Time for Judge Brunetti to Find a New Career
A judge’s role is to be impartial and to render verdicts, rulings and judgments based upon law and case law, certainly not personal opinion…
FBI Encouraged to Investigate Connecticut State Police
Threats, intimidation and extortion alleged against the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection…
Doutel v Norwalk Prevails on Claims of 4th Amendment Violations Regarding Illegal Confiscation of Firearms
A Connecticut Federal District Court has rendered a ruling in favor of the innocent and injured spouse of Duane Doutel whose firearms were unjustly seized by Norwalk, CT policemen…
Connecticut DESPP Caught Lying in Court Complaint Against Board of Firearms Permit Examiners
Audio recording demostrates deal making that directly conflicts with the DESPP’s assertion in its complaint that both the DESPP and BFPE lack the authority to make this kind of a deal…
Connecticut State Police & DESPP Using Deception to Confiscate Firearms
The Connecticut State Police has been sending threatening and misleading letters to Connecticut residents telling them that they must turn in their firearms to the State Police without any lawful justification…