It would make state knife law supreme over the entire state, repealing existing local knife regulations and prohibiting any future knife regulations…
Knife Rights Jumpstarts 2014 With Pre-filed Knife Bills in Five States
Knife Rights is continuing to re-write knife law in America with five Knife Rights bills pre-filed for the 2014 legislative session…
Indiana Passes Knife Rights Switchblade Ban Repeal
After two years of effort by Knife Rights and our sponsors, the Indiana legislature has repealed the state’s irrational ban on switchblade knives…
Tennesee Knife Rights Knife Law Preemption Bill Passed – 3rd This Year
Tennessee is the seventh state to pass Knife Law Preemption since Knife Rights passed the first-in-the-nation Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010, and the third state this year…
Kansas Comprehensive Knife Rights Bill Signed by Governor
After two years of hard work, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has signed the Knife Rights comprehensive knife law reform act, HB2033 into law…
Knives and the Second Amendment – Scholarly Analysis in Progress
Researched and written by highly respected Second Amendment legal scholars David Kopel, Clayton Cramer and Joseph Edward Olson, the article makes the case that “Knives are clearly among the ‘arms’ which are protected by the Second Amendment.”…
Insane Batch of New Jersey Bills Adds Knife Ban to Gun Free Killing Zone Bill
New Jersey Assembly bill A1387 would permit municipalities to establish huge swaths of “weapons free zones” around schools, parks and public facilities within which possession of “any dangerous knife” would be prohibited, under penalty of fine and imprisonment…
Judge Throws Out NYC & DA Motions in NYC Knife Rights Lawsuit
The dismissal of these motions vindicates our position that there are real constitutional issues involved. The City cannot simply expand the state law to persecute knife owners.
Knife Rights Bolsters NYC Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit
An amended complaint adding two additional plaintiffs to the case was submitted to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on May 23, 2012.
Hearing Tuesday on Georgia Knife Preemption Bill
The hearing on SB432 will be held Tuesday, March 20. It is Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill that would repeal all local knife ordinances more restrictive than state law.
Georgia Knife Preemption Bill Up for House Hearing
Your calls and emails made a big impact in the Senate. Now, please call or email and ask the members of the committee to vote YES on SB432 when it is before them for consideration.
Carry a Knife – Save a Life
Carry a Knife – Save a Life is a Knife Rights initiative to emphasize the value of carrying a knife every day for unexpected instances when it can literally be the difference between life and death.
Good and Bad Knife Bills in Washington State
The bad news is that last year’s ridiculous anti-knife bill, HB 1006, that would make it illegal to conceal any knife over 3 1/2 inches long, even with a WA concealed pistol permit.
Knife Rights v. NYC / DA Vance Knife Lawsuit Update
Knife Rights filed its response to New York City’s Motion to Dismiss in our Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit against New York City and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr.
Indiana Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Switchblade Bill SB06
Knife Rights requested initiative sponsored by Senators Jim Tomes and Johnny Nugent, which would overturn the state’s antiquated and irrational ban on the possession of switchblade/automatic knives.
Australia Tightens Noose on Knife Owners
If you don’t believe there are people and politicians working to implement bans such as these here in the U.S., you are not paying attention…
Knife Rights vs. Boston Knife Bigots
This is the Anti’s vision for knife owners in America, if we do not oppose them at every turn…
Boston Anti-Knife Hearing this Friday
Please join us in voicing your opposition to this anti-knife, anti-business and anti-freedom ordinance…
Knife Rights Files Response to NYC DA Vance’s Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit
David Jensen, has done an exemplary job blowing the DA’s arrogant, ill-conceived and baseless motion to pieces…
2012 National Knife Law Preemption Campaign
Knife Rights chairman Doug Ritter recently did a video, to explain what Knife Law Preemption is all about…
Boston Proposes Anti-Knife Ordinance
The proposed Boston ordinance “PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF STORES THAT SELL CERTAIN KNIVES” has been presented to the city council…
Knife Rights v. NYC / DA Vance Lawsuit Update
Knife Rights’ legal team continues to help new clients who have been arrested and continues to get their cases dismissed, the latest just last week…
KNIFE CONTROL – Boston City Council Holds Knife Control Hearing
For anyone who attended the infamous Gun Control hearings here a decade ago, the only difference was that the word “guns” was replaced with “knives.”..
Careful Where You Carry Pocketknives – Firearms Preemption Was Only 1/2 The Answer
Your pistol won’t get you in trouble but your pocket knife could put you away for a MINIMUM of six months, cost you a cool grand…
Ironic Wall Street Journal Article Features Knives NYC Citizens Can’t Buy
It commends to its readers five one-hand opening pocket knives, every one of which would be falsely deemed an illegal gravity knife by NYC District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr…
How To Win a Knife Fight – Lessons Learned in the Crucible of the Second Amendment
Sandy Froman, one of the nation’s foremost Second Amendment activists, will be the keynote speaker at Knife Rights’ Second Annual Sharper Future Awards Breakfast…
Nevada Dangerous Knives SB171 Amended to Remove All Knife References
This includes removal of the proposed new definition of “Dangerous Knives” as any knife under 2-inches long and prohibitions on possession of knives on school grounds…
Nevada Anti-Knife Bill Alive Again – HELP STOP IT NOW
The bill adds to the list of weapons that the state prohibits in schools, including a sword, axe or hatchet, machete and so-called “dangerous knife,” meaning in her bill, any knife with a blade 2 inches or longer…
RE: Pushing a Right to Keep & Bear Arms, the Sharp & Pointy Type
The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to the New York Times referencing the article that was published in the Sunday New York Times, December 5th…
Washington Bill Attempts to Restrict Knife Length
Why anyone would go back to this 1950’s legislative mentality is beyond me,” said Doug Ritter, Chairman of Knife Rights…