That’s a purposefully misleading attack on not just the House Oversight Committee but also GLOCK. The illegal devices are “autosears,” which are illegal to possess, illegal to attach to a firearm
Everytown 4 Gun Control
Everytown’s Claim That Strict Gun Laws Save Lives Is Just a Big Lie
While Everytown says California is the top state for so-called ‘gun safety policies,’ the bloody homicide body count tells a different story…
Bloomberg Adopting Soros Model of Buying Political Influence?
Bloomberg’s anti-gun apparatus Everytown diving into local school politics, it’s a strategy that warrants watching closely. …try to attack the Second Amendment.
Everytown’s Anti-Freedom Effort Grinding Away in Times of COVID in NJ
COVID-19 may have slowed down the world, but it has not stalled those who want to strip us from our GOD-given freedoms!
Mike Bloomberg-Moms Push Gun-Control By Putting Good People at Risk ~ VIDEOS
Everytown and Moms Demand gladly support and take funds from the one guy who was bold enough to attempt to publicly, buy the black vote for Joe Biden in Florida.
Everytown Distances Bloomberg Comments, But Addicted to His Billions
Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control group bankrolled by billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, is treading lightly with their benefactor’s Presidential race.
Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement to Legislators & Anti-Gun Media, Come & Take Them
Shannon Watts and the professional gun prohibitionists are not happy about the new tactic, as evident by her recent statements in a panic press release from Everytown for Gun Safety.
Everytown Submits FOIA Request Over Flood of Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions
Before the Second Amendment sanctuary movement took off in VA, there were around 265 2A sanctuary municipalities nationwide. Since the November election Virginia has added over 100 new ones.
Of Course Shannon Watts & Everytown are Anti-gun & Hate the Second Amendment
Watts’s claim that she and Everytown aren’t anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment is just the latest chapter in a long history of deceptive gun control messaging.
For Levi’s, Freedom isn’t Fashionable
Levi’s McGinnis linked the company’s attack on a cherished American freedom to the firm’s increasing emphasis on the global, rather than American, marketplace.
Multiple Anti-Gun Bills Filed in Texas for 2017
New Yorks’ Michael Bloomberg funded national gun control groups: Everytown for Gun Safety & Moms Demand Action are supporting the pre-filed bad bills.
Shannon Watts Blames NRA for Disarming of Courthouse Security Officer
Turns out gun banning, freedom hater, Shannon Watts, should have asked a few more questions before, once again, publicly humiliating herself.
NRA Slams Bloomberg-Funded Groups for False Ad Campaign
Michael Bloomberg’s out-of-state gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, is running a false and misleading ad designed to scare Missouri citizens…
Look Who’s Profiteering On Gun Bans Laws in New Hampshire
If New York wants to only allow the criminals to be armed, that is their decision, but we in New Hampshire like our firearms to be in the hands of the law abiding citizens.
NASCAR Affiliated Lobbyist Now Working to Ban Fan’s Guns in New Hampshire
The same lobbyists who are employed by the NH International Motor Speedway & NASCAR are now working to ban your guns in New Hampshire…
Bloomberg’s ‘Every Town’ Targets Hy-Vee for Anti Gun Harassment
It’s important that Hy-Vee hears a clear message from law-abiding Minnesotans that we support their efforts – but we expect them to continue to respect the Second Amendment.
Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill
How much did ALL the pro-Second Amendment groups spend? Ready? Not so much at $88,000…
Astroturf: The Anti-Gunners’ Playing Field
The goal when astroturfing is to convince decision-makers that some borderline agenda has a groundswell of support…
Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Research Director Explains Why He Won’t Debate Gun Control
As far as I can tell he said Bloomberg’s people would only debate people that they agree with…
Murder Victim’s Sister Tells Anti-Gun Troll ‘Only a Gun Would Have Saved Her’
Ann Wright of Everytown for Gun Safety gets an earful from the sister of a murder victim….
Email to Kate at the Dart Center on their Media Workshop on Guns and Gun Violence
The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma has accepted money from the highly partisan Everytown for Gun Safety to train journalists on covering guns and gun violence.
Bloomberg’s Everytown Gun Control Claims To Talk Guns At Thanksgiving Dinner
Lott, through his Crime Prevention Research Center, has long taken on the Bloomberg group’s statistics calling them “typical misinformation”…
Blooming Assault on Nevada
Bloomberg’s minions are hard at work prepping the ground for assault on the rights of the people of Nevada…
I Am Scared of Guns,,,, So NO GUNS ALLOWED!
To some people, guns are scary. I’m scared of things too. Like Rosie O’Donnell. And sharknados. And Donald Trumps hair. But how do we correct that fear…
Just What Everyone Wanted: More Piers Morgan
The Hollywood Reporter published an op-ed by Piers Morgan insisting that gun control opponents are idiots and repeating Everytown’s false claims about school shootings…
Researchers Assail Everytown and FBI Shootings Reports
Everytown greatly exaggerated the number of mass shootings, failed to adequately research the crimes in its report & failed to correctly distinguish public shootings from those of other types…
You Might Be A Gun Control Activist If…
Are you a gun control activist? How do you know when you have crossed that line from patriotic citizen to freedom hating wacko bent on taking away everyone’s rights?
Gun Control vs Self Defense – A Tale of Two Videos, Which One Are You?
Recently the genuineness at Every Town for Gun Control released a video promoting being a victim, contrast that with a similar video from GLOCK Arms empowering women everywhere…
Gun Control Groups Exploiting Tragedies & Spreading Lies
Michael Bloomberg and his operatives are not telling the truth to Congress or the American people. Your U.S. Representative and Senators need to hear from your today…
After 1st Taking the Bait CNN then Busts Bloomberg Group ‘Every Liar For Gun Safety’
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today congratulated CNN for helping to expose what now appears to be a deliberate deception by Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety…