Oregon lawmakers’ incessant urge to subjugate the people is truly insatiable, and Oregon’s judge’s blatant and arrogant disregard for the Supreme Court’s clear dictates is chilling.
Firearms Registration
Secret Lists, Disarmament & Military-Age Illegal Aliens, What Could Go Wrong?
Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.
House Committee Tackles Federal Government Weaponization ~ VIDEO
The U.S. Treasury admitted that it collected information on Americans’ purchases of firearms and ammunition, shopping at several sporting retailers, including Cabelas, and even tracked people using search terms that include “Bible.”
Those Pesky ‘Registered Guns’ ~ Are You a Suspect?
We’ve been promised that “registration and licensing” will remove gun-owners from suspicion. That is obviously untrue…
UPS Statement to AmmoLand News’ Reporting on Gun-Shipment Tracking Clarification
UPS has not, nor will it ever, track the purchase of guns. …UPS would only provide information about firearm shipments when required to do so by law, …response to a subpoena or warrant.
Congressman Cloud Spotlights ATF’s Near Billion Gun Record Database
“The Biden Administration is again circumventing Congress and enabling the notably corrupt ATF to manage a database of nearly a billion gun transfer records.”
SB Tactical: Proposed ATF Brace Regulations Nothing More Than Registration Scheme
ATF’s proposed document is a thinly veiled blueprint for the largest firearm registration–and ultimately potentially confiscation– scheme in U.S. history.
Below the Radar: Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act
Raskin and Van Hollen have taken a much more indirect approach to wrongfully attacking our rights: They are going to bribe states to enact their own licensing schemes via grants.
Longmont, Colorado City Council To Vote On Extreme Anti-Gun Resolution
In a Gun Safety Resolution so extreme it puts Boulder’s so-called “assault weapons” ban to shame, Longmont, CO city council is asking elected officials to implement gun registration.
Current U.S. Gun Registration That No One Seems Concerned About
When a gun sale is handled at an FFL, the ATF Form 4473 we all fill out is then maintained (BATF requirement) by the FFL for “not less than 20 years.”
Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
HB0768, known as the Firearms Registration Act, would require gun owners in the Keystone State to register firearms with the Pennsylvania State Police.
Help Us Get These Gun Rights Billboards Up! ~ VIDEO
Also listen to Rally for our Rights founder, Lesley Hollywood, join Dana Loesch on her NRA-TV show with an update about Boulder’s Colorado’s gun ban.
Get a GRIP aka Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act (S.3135)
I’m not sure what they’re thinking in places like New York, but one thing is clear: Not a single federal dollar should be used for states or cities to target the Second Amendment rights.
Our System Requires Lying
Our System does not reward truthfulness and honesty. Our System rewards, indeed requires, lying.
SAF Sues California DOJ Over Assault Weapon Registration Disaster
The Second Amendment Foundation yesterday filed suit against the California DOJ & AG Becerra, for failing and refusing to establish a properly functioning Internet-based firearms registration system.
Gun Rights Groups Sue Calif. Attorney General Xavier Becerra & CA DOJ
The government required registration by the deadline, but the online registration failed & people couldn’t register. They’re required to obey the law, but the system broke down, making it impossible.
Hyde-Smith Bill Would Forbid Use Of Federal Money For State Gun Registries
“Not a single federal dollar should be used for states or cities efforts to target law-abiding gun owners,” said Hyde-Smith, a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
California Deadline to Register “Bullet Button Assault Weapons”, or Don’t Comply
The deadline to register, aka comply, with California’s “bullet button assault weapons” registration is this Saturday, June 30, 2018
Flawed Idea of Gun Registration & 347 Million Plus Firearms
If government knows which guns are in the hands of law-abiding Americans, the flow of weaponry to criminals would be stanched. There are multiple problems with this…
South African Court Judgement on Firearm Licenses, “Unconstitutional”
In light of the judgment, your firearm licence is now valid & therefore you cannot be deemed to be in illegal possession of unlicensed firearms..
Australian Gun Owner’s Proposed ‘Happy Medium’ Overlooks ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’
He claims “over 95% of gun crime in Australia involves illegally imported guns” and then proposes what he calls “a happy medium” we all should be able to live with.
FOIA Response Confirms NFRTR Data Unreliable for Prosecutions
“The National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record (NFRTR) is insufficient for criminal proceedings…”
Registering Late Is Not Always Better Than Never
If you find yourself past the 10 day window to submit your pistol registration, and you believe your local jurisdiction will fine you for turning the paperwork in late, you should consider…..
Introducing ARMagLock: Render Your AR-15 and AR-10 into a Fixed Magazine Firearm
California Gov. Jerry Brown enacted SB 880 and AB 1135 last week that places more restrictions on firearms, specifically “assault weapons” such as the AR-15 —and one company has a patented…..
Canada’s National Firearms Association Launches Constitutional Challenge
Canada’s National Firearms Association launched a constitutional challenge of Quebec’s new Registration of Firearms Act.
Misguided Scottish Airgun Regulations To Take Effect
Since the Scottish Government announced plans two years ago to licence the estimated 500,000 airguns in Scotland, we have been vocal in our opposition.
Washington Post: The Purpose of Gun Registration is Gun Confiscation
The Washington Post writes that the purpose of Gun Registration is Gun Confiscation, in an official Post editorial.
Pro-Gun Victory & Anti-Gun Insanity in North Carolina
It seems appropriate that the people of North Carolina send Mayor Alexander a friendly note to let her know what we think of gun registration schemes…
O’Reilly ‘Reasonable’ Gun Law Bluster Doesn’t Factor in Principled Defiance
The guy is basically a clueless blowhard doubling down on a poorly concealed fascist streak.
Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Several Firearm Registration Laws, Upholds Others
On Friday, September 18, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued its opinion in Heller v. District of Columbia (“Heller III”), striking down four onerous “registration” requirements and…..