American Militias are as crucial to our Republic as is freedom of speech. Now is the time to begin overturning laws that ban the formation of private militias.
The Heritage of American Militias

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
American Militias are as crucial to our Republic as is freedom of speech. Now is the time to begin overturning laws that ban the formation of private militias.
Comparing the structure of the Second Amendment to other constitutional rights reveals a consistent theme: the protection of individual freedoms.
Here’s what Rhodes didn’t do. He didn’t enter the Capitol. He didn’t bring firearms into Washington DC. That’s some “insurrection.”
But most police are “pro-gun,” some will argue. No doubt many are. But that’s very different from being “pro-rights.”
In the specific situation of what’s going on right now in America, the Oath Keepers have not offered a sufficient reason to propose violence.
Appeasing gun-grabbers, generally couched as “compromise,” is impossible.
I want you to know that this is not just an announcement, letting you know about these rallies. It is also a call to action.
The documentary motion picture, GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS – How the Second Amendment Can Stop Mass Shootings & needs your grass roots support to reach completion..
Americans who believe in the Constitution of limited government powers and the Bill of Rights can be neither Nazis nor fascists.
These elite establishment LEOs are the epitome of “Only Ones,” those who presume themselves to be trustworthy and competent enough to carry guns.
What those who would suppress freedom can’t abide is those who do not fear their hateful name-calling.
Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) was joined by his wife, Heidi Rohrbach, as he took the oath of office for the 115th Congress.
The defendants were relying on the Kansas Second Amendment Protection Act, a duly enacted law citing Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendment.
[I]f you’re a member of a group, one loudmouth making bellicose comments can put you all on the radar.
Sometimes, the exercise of those rights creates the possibility of danger. The mere possibility of danger is not sufficient to infringe upon those rights.
I have already sworn an oath to the constitution when I was granted my authority as a police officer and I will uphold that oath…
So what will it be America? Liberty or tyranny? It is your choice…
We need to develop local militias and as it turns out, there is a perfect vehicle for this.
“Article 34 receives a ‘yes’ vote from Lexington Town Meeting Members,” Gun Owners’ Action League alerted members last Thursday.
The Supreme Court’s unanimously decided against stun guns being excluded from Second Amendment protection.
If there are no constitutional Militia in operation, and this state of affairs is lawfully within the power of Congress and the States to continue, then what meaning does ‘militia-suitable arms’ have
It’s the type of low-hanging fruit bust that gets sensational headlines, even if the actual level of threat deterred is uncertain at best. Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 22, is alleged to have been…..
Maryland’s Orwellian-named edict banned many semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines, naturally with a law enforcement exemption.
A family man, loving husband, father, friend, mentor, man of faith, a true American Patriot. Why is it always the best among us that seem to be taken from us first?
In this audio Interview Stewart Rhodes interviews Greg McWhirter, an Oath Keeper SWAT officer, about the road block and tactics used on LaVoy Finicum and the rest of the Citizens for…..
There are deep divisions evident by comments under news accounts, some rejoicing in the law enforcement response and others decrying it as totally unnecessary and heavy-handed.
Oregon standoff spokesman Robert “LaVoy” Finicum was killed and other leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation were arrested Tuesday
Local reports indicate a possible decrease in federal vehicles in the vicinity (IVO) Burns, OR, which may be due to a recent FBI shift change. Sources also reported a decrease in the number…..
We are working with Pacific Patriots Network (PPN) which has established a buffer between the Wildlife Refuge occupiers and the authorities in Oregon.
Very interesting interaction between the Pacific Patriot Network leadership delegation and the FBI, who were all kitted out with rifles and chest rigs…