The Biden administration has initiated a lawsuit, in federal court, to invalidate the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act.
‘Woke’ Unelected National Archive Bureaucrats Set Stage to ‘Cancel’ Constitution
By placing founding documents under the banner of “hate speech,” the stage is set to “cancel” them. This is just an opening gambit, but one that will set the stage to control the game.
Czech Republic Passes Constitutional Amendment: Right to Self Defense with Arms
The Czech Republic has amended its Constitution to add the right to defend one’s life or the life of others, even with the use of weapons, is guaranteed.
Assumptions of the Leftist/Globalist/Woke Explain Absurd Policies
Many of the policies put foreward by the Left/Globalists/Woke seem idiotic or insane. They make sense if you examine the assumptions about reality of the people who make them.
Right to Arms Amendment will be on Iowa Ballot in 2022
Iowa is one of six states which do not have a constitutional amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms. An amendment is scheduled to be on the ballot in 2022.
Pascrell Demands Removing ‘Treasonous’ Republicans from Congress
By first declaring President Donald Trump “has engaged in … treason” and demanding the prosecution of him and his “enablers,” Pascrell has in effect endorsed executing the president.
Missouri Judge Rules “Safety” Overrides Right to Keep and Bear Arms
A Missouri Democrat judge has found that “safety” overrides the Missouri Constitution, never mind that guns and the key to maintaining public safety.
28% of Democrats Want to Outlaw Membership in the NRA
In a 2019 Rasmussen poll, 28% of Democrat and 18% of overall voters believe membership in the National Rifle Association should be outlawed.
Petition Asks White House to Recognize Second Amendment Does Not ‘Give’ a Right
I just got done creating a White House petition. “Recognize that the government does not ‘give citizens the right to bear arms,’’ it asks…
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact a Sure Path to Tyranny
If a “popular vote” replacement of the Electoral system is allowed to stand, you can kiss “legal” recognition of the right to keep and bear arms goodbye…
20% of Ignorant Voters Think Owning a Gun is Immoral
20 percent of voters in America believe owning a gun is immoral. 20% of voters believe limits on government are immoral. The two views are closely related.
Each Generation, Interpreting the Text of the Constitution
Since each generation must come to terms with what the Constitution means, it’s good to see that we’re once again headed in the right direction.
Mueller’s Reported NRA Tax Probe Should Widen Rift with Informed Gun Owners
Does anyone really believe trying to drag NRA into the “collusion” conspiracy theory is simply a coincidence?
Barry’s Marital Vow-Breaking Consistent with Her Oath-Breaking Hypocrisy on Guns
What we should be concerned about is her oath, and repeatedly breaking it is also no “mistake.”
Pass Good Gun Laws and Prevent Bad Ones: Slow Down
How exactly does the United States pass good gun laws and prevent bad ones? President Donald Trump had the best response.
173 Trillion People Have Never Read the Constitution – New Book Looks to Fix That
Most people haven’t ever read the founding documents, which is exactly why AmmoLand Contributor, Tom McHale, wrote his new book, The Constitution – A Revolutionary Story.
Why Democrats Want to Forget: Shhh, Don’t Tell Them It Was Us All Along
Why? Because by doing so, today’s Democrat party can once and for all eliminate their despicable history as the party of racism, slavery, and secession.
Watts’ NRA ‘Hate’ Smear Part of Renewed Collectivist Effort to Discourage Truth
The fact is, you can’t be a Constitutionalist and be either a Nazi or a fascist.
Open Carry Letter to Florida Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
Is there ANY OTHER Constitutional Right where the government charges a fee and imposes a mandated training condition, then demands that citizens exercise it in secret?
New York ‘May Issue’ Arrogance Forces Gang Target to Sue
This is what happens when states can get away with ignoring “the supreme Law of the Land” and denying the right to bear arms.
Call TODAY to ensure Self-Defense bills advance in Minnesota Legislature
HF188, authored by Rep. Jim Nash, would make permits to carry optional throughout Minnesota. This concept is known as “Constitutional Carry”.
Anti-gun Groups Declare Jihad Against Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
President Trump has nominated a justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia — a justice who has argued for upholding the Second Amendment and who is hated by anti-gun groups.
Bill of Rights Day Awareness a Good Indicator of National Priorities
Obama did not see fit to acknowledge the right of the people to keep and bear arms…
‘Progressive’ Voting Proposal Recycles Ancient Totalitarian Elitism
As with all things “progressive,” this is just the recycling of an old idea. A very old idea.
Darryl Glenn Understands: Gun Control is Unconstitutional
Darryl understands that not only are gun control laws unconstitutional — reason enough to vote against them — but they’re also a failure in every other respect.
Our Constitution in Peril
Our Founders knew and understood how fickle and dangerous the “whim of the majority” can be. Accordingly, they made the process of Constitutional Amendment arduous, multi-layered process…
OK: Judge Rules Gun Ban On Streets & Sidewalks Is Unconstitutional
In Oklahoma, Judge Thad Balkman ruled in favor of second amendment supporters when he issued a tempory restraining order to prevent the City of Norman.
OK Constitutional Amendment to Strengthen 2A Introduced
Representative Dan Fisher has started the process to strengthen Oklahoma’s state constitutional protection for the right to keep and bear arms in 2015.
Mariana Islands Defendant: 2A Does NOT Apply Here
The defendants in the second amendment lawsuit against Deleon Guerrero in the Northern Mariana Islands have come up with a novel defense. The 2A does not apply.
Alan Gura and SAF 2nd Suit against DC
Alan Gura has filed another second amendment lawsuit, based on the law that was passed by D.C. to prevent the issue of almost all carry permits.