Politicians want to give us simple answers, but the world is a complex place. Can we afford a politician who is so wrong about self-defense?
Lying Billionaires and Gun Control

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Politicians want to give us simple answers, but the world is a complex place. Can we afford a politician who is so wrong about self-defense?
This was a reaction to the announcement from anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg that he would finance his own presidential campaign. Advising the former New York mayor that “the White House and ou
The real threat to the Second Amendment posed by I-1639 is not just the provisions, it’s the strategy applied by Bloomberg.
We have obtained exclusive footage from the anti-gun rally in Boise, where a Moms Demand Action activist talks about their efforts to fight against gun rights in Idaho
Once again we see billionaire Michael Bloomberg performing as the Great Oz behind the curtain and using children for his sick anti-American causes
Michael Bloomberg lost a lot of money in the two Virginia elections in 2015 last night.
How much did ALL the pro-Second Amendment groups spend? Ready? Not so much at $88,000…
Further, he calls for the immediate repeal of the ban on firearms at military facilities, forbidding service men and women their right of self-defense…
Recently, Amy Schumer – Millennial comedy sensation and cousin to gun control standard-bearer Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) – insisted that money is at the center of America’s gun control problem.
Bloomberg shills are offering to pay gun dealers $1500.00 to shoot anti-gun “public service” announcements in their stores. As you might expect, they are concealing who is paying for these ads…
Owned by Bloomberg the new website describes itself as a “media organization dedicated to expanding coverage of guns in the United States”…
Gun rights enemies in the media leapt upon the study eagerly, painting it as a killing blow to supporters of relatively unrestricted Second Amendment rights…
Using their own loaded, and downright inaccurate language, the researchers argue that a majority of respondents support banning modern sporting rifles…
This isn’t about allowing guns on campus. Guns are already ON CAMPUS, in the hands of those who don’t care about laws or victims…
I have no doubt there will be much said in this workshop about the horrors of “gun violence,” & the common sense of “universal background checks”…
Taking a page out of Bloomberg’s “No More Guns” bus tour that memorialized terrorists, the rabidly anti-gun North Carolinians Against Gun Violence are planning to ‘honor’ felons killed during crimes..
Despite the ex-mayor’s efforts to keep them from the general public, an audio recording of the remarks has surfaced…
The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma has accepted money from the highly partisan Everytown for Gun Safety to train journalists on covering guns and gun violence.
Bloomberg and the other national anti-gun groups know that the only way they can further their agenda is to lie and try to scare people and it seems the Governor has bought into those lies…
No one is even certain who is enforcing the implementation of I-594 and nobody at the state level really has any clue as to who is going to be ultimately responsible…
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has named the Top Ten Anti-Gunners for 2014, with billionaire Michael Bloomberg topping the list..
If the Secretary of State cannot comply with his own laws and rules, the petition validation process is seriously flawed and the results and certification are invalid…
Bloomberg’s minions are hard at work prepping the ground for assault on the rights of the people of Nevada…
To some people, guns are scary. I’m scared of things too. Like Rosie O’Donnell. And sharknados. And Donald Trumps hair. But how do we correct that fear…
Thanks to YOU, the NRA scored impressive wins in hotly contested races and played a pivotal role in increasing pro-gun majorities in both chambers of Congress….
A majority of Washington State’s 39 sheriffs have come out in opposition to anti-gun Washington State Ballot Initiative and Gun Ban number 594…
Turning most gun owners into criminals. Bloomberg’s 1st attempt at buying a state is in Washington. If he is successful in the Evergreen State, simply owning a gun would land you in jail…
As unlikely as it may seem, there are still some Florida Mayors supporting the Mayors Against illegal Guns control group and their push to gut our freedoms…
Violent Crime victim, Kim Weeks is standing up to Bloomberg’s gun control agenda. Watch NRA’s latest video and read Kimberly’s message…
Are you a gun control activist? How do you know when you have crossed that line from patriotic citizen to freedom hating wacko bent on taking away everyone’s rights?