Connecticut Citizens Defense League seeks emergency restraining order & preliminary Injunction against unconstitutional so-called “Assault Weapon” gun ban.
Citizens Rights Group Seeks Emergency Restraining Order Against “Weapon” Ban

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Connecticut Citizens Defense League seeks emergency restraining order & preliminary Injunction against unconstitutional so-called “Assault Weapon” gun ban.
The Governor’s anti-freedom proposals demonstrate that he is out of touch with the people of Connecticut & woefully disconnected from his own failed policies.
U.S. LawShield is backing the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, as they take the state of Connecticut to federal court for violating the second amendment rights.
CCDL was forced to bring suit against police chiefs of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, & Waterbury after officials were unjustifiably delaying law-abiding city residents’ applications for gun permits
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) announced that it filed a federal civil rights action in the United States District Court against multiple Police Chiefs on permitting delays.
U.S. LawShield, industry leader and America’s largest provider of Legal Defense for Self-Defense coverage, has recently formed a partnership with the Connecticut Citizens Defense League.
A small state, against all the odds, Connecticut has a strong Second Amendment community. Read about one of CCDL’s recent successful fundraisers, a true blueprint for other orgs!
In his 26 page decision, Judge Meyer ruled that Executive Order 7E, and law enforcement’s implementation of it, “plainly burdens conduct protected by the Second Amendment.”
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League filed suit against Governor Ned Lamont over his unconstitutional anti-2A actions during COVID pandemic.
“We are proud to stand alongside the National Rifle Association with mutual support for Remington Arms and for the rights of legal gun owners. We hope that the Supreme Court considers addressing this.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League’s Executive Committee releases the following endorsements for the August 14th, 2018, primary elections.
Donald J. Trump’s nomination, Brett Kavanaugh, has a track record of upholding the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution as an enumerated right that extends to individuals.
Those who support our rights will not simply sit back & let those very rights be trampled on. Join us Rally for our Rights on April 14th, 2018.
While Governor Malloy contemplates new ways to further restrict & tax the rights of Connecticut residents, New Hampshire today joined free America…
The CCDL is opposed to some of the regulatory recommendations from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection that pertain to Olympic Competition Pistols.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League release the following statement after Danbury mayor Mark Boughton announced the creation of an exploratory committee.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass-roots gun rights group) announces the ‘4th Annual’ 2nd Amendment Poker Run.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League has begun releasing candidate endorsements for the 2016 elections.
The United States Supreme Court declined on Monday to review a lower court’s ruling refusing to strike down on Second Amendment grounds Connecticut’s ban on certain semi-automatic firearms…..
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League offers the following statement pertaining to the armed robbery of a Post Office in West Haven, CT earlier today.
The plaintiffs are challenging the Connecticut ban on certain firearms that look similar to assault rifles.
Senators Blumenthal, Murphy & rep Esty are over-stepping their authority & using the Federal Government letterhead to harass a state level Connecticut Food Association…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League offers commentary on partisan statements from both Governor Malloy and the Connecticut Democratic Party.
Governor Malloy is planning to seize firearms of individuals who have not been indicted or convicted for any crime.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass-roots gun rights group) is speaking out against calls for more gun control made by elected officials from Connecticut.”
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grassroots gun rights group) is speaking out in opposition to recent statements made by Governor Malloy, and Senators Murphy…..
We are not surprised by this decision was handed down from this court. We knew all along that we would end up appealing to the Supreme Court to overturn this clear injustice of our 2nd Amendment right
We are shocked and saddened by any action that is violent in nature, and our sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims..
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grassroots gun rights group) announces the 3rd Annual 2nd Amendment Poker Run.
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grassroots gun rights group) is expressing its appreciation for the State Legislature’s decision to cease action on bills that would…..